cat, rabbit, hamster, and dog

Licensed Veterinary Dental Care

monarch butterfly monarch butterfly

Pet dental care at Monarch Veterinary Hospital sets us apart. One of the most commonly overlooked and most important areas of maintaining your pet’s good health is oral and dental care. Approximately two-thirds of everything diagnosed by a veterinarian in a pet 6 years or older is related to disease of the teeth and gums. A regular regimen of care for the teeth and gums can dramatically extend the life of your pet. Monarch Veterinary Hospital recommends preventive care as the key to maintaining your pet’s long-term oral health.

At Monarch Veterinary Hospital, we are very concerned that all pets receive the best dental care possible. Contrary to state law, some pet stores and grooming facilities allow persons who are not qualified do dental procedures on pets. This can and does result in unnecessary damage and infection, causing injury and pain. Dentistry must be done under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian only; otherwise, it is considered practicing medicine without a license.

At Monarch Veterinary Hospital, we DO provide non-anesthetic dental (NAD) cleaning as a service for those pets that the doctor determines are candidates for the procedure. A complete oral exam is done and the teeth charted. If any serious dental conditions are found, the doctor is consulted and the problem is addressed appropriately. In some cases, where needed, mild sedatives or antibiotics are administered for the pet.

The Best Veterinary Dentistry for Your Pet

We will recommend a regular schedule of routine prophylaxis to keep your pet’s teeth healthy. Before we begin any dental procedure, we will take a complete set of digital X-ray images that are uploaded right away to your pet’s electronic medical records. Many veterinary practices don’t use digital X-ray imaging and can miss finding problematic lesions that are not visible with simple oral examination.

Tooth extractions are one of the most important veterinary dental procedures. Because we can clearly evaluate your pet’s teeth by X-ray, we are able to diagnose unseen problems. Tooth extractions, if required, will prevent further pain and suffering, and extracting some teeth from a pet requires oral surgery if it is done properly. Dental X-rays are taken after the extraction to confirm that the entire tooth root has been completely removed. Then we take the time to reshape the bone before suturing the gingival tissue. Local nerve blocks using long-acting anesthetic agents are given so your pet will have a much more comfortable recovery.

View our Pet Dental Care Slideshow. Please note: You must have Microsoft PowerPoint to view this large (15 MB) slideshow.